5 Ways to restart your technical career post Covid-19 pandemic

By Ankur Hack | Views: 1701

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has affected every aspect of our lives including work. Millions of people across the world have lost their job due to the economic downturn and many companies have been under constant stress to tighten their budget, freezing promotions, hiring etc. As the world is now recovering from this crisis, this is the right time to relaunch your technical career and focus on areas to achieve success and get hired in any economic environment. 

Here are 5 ways you can do that: 

  1. Upgrade your skills

Before you start looking for opportunities, be very clear in your mind as to what you want to do. Upskilling is a very good option. You can learn a new skill by enrolling for courses online and getting certified. It will take some time to acquire a new skill-set but you will be future-ready with expertise in hand. 

  1. Become an expert in your area of expertise

Don’t just restrict yourself to upgrading with a new skill. You can also work to become a subject matter expert in your domain. For that - read books, presentations and publications, follow the experts’ podcasts, understand the products and services, and recent innovations in your field. If you’re a developer planning to relaunch your technical career, setting up a GitHub portfolio will help. 

  1. Keep an eye on every sector’s performance

Another important and helpful step to restart your technical career is to identify sectors that performed well during the pandemic and sectors that didn’t do well and laid off their workforce. Look for a suitable role inside both. When things improve post-pandemic hiring will start again and with additional expertise, you have a fair chance of getting a suitable opportunity.

  1. Do some thorough online research about companies

You must make a list of various companies both performing and non-performing and do some thorough research on them. It can be anything like their products, services, suppliers, number of employees, technical data, social media presence and so on and so forth. This will help you to target the right company when times are favourable. 

  1. Focus on networking

Strong networking works everywhere. Consider your network from your pre-career break role and afterwards. Interact with them from time to time and let them know your current status and preparation to take on new responsibilities. You never know who will be most helpful for your relaunch.

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