The Best 5 Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms

By Ankur Hack | Views: 795

The data science and machine learning industry are evolving with each passing day. Its demand is surging and even the pandemic couldn’t affect its popularity. Companies across the globe are embracing data science and machine learning to expand their reach and build their expertise. Another important reason this market is flourishing is that it can help with high-value predictions in real-time with no human intervention.  Let us now have a look at the best data science and machine learning platforms for 2021.

  1. IBM

Platform: IBM Watson Studio

IBM Watson Studio is a top-notch data science and machine learning platform developed by IBM for all AI-powered businesses. It helps organisations scale data science operations throughout the lifecycle by simplifying the process of deployment, data exploration, preparation, along with model development and training. This platform has a flexible architecture that allows users to leverage open-source frameworks including TensorFlow and PyTorch. 

  1. SAS

Platform: SAS Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning

SAS provides a powerful array of advanced analytics and data science solutions. This platform is capable of providing access to data in any format and in any source. You can develop project summaries using the SAS platform as it facilitates natural language generation. The solution allows users to automate data deployment, data lineage and monitor models. The platform generates automatic insights for basic variables across all models. 

  1. MathWorks 

Platform: MATLAB

MATLAB facilitates automatic machine learning that includes feature selection, model selection and hyperparameter tuning.  It is professionally developed, tested and allows advanced signal processing with feature extraction technique. It combines a desktop environment for analysis and design processes. MATLAB uses a live editor for writing codes and a programming language that displays matrix and array mathematics. 

  1. Dataiku

Platform: Dataiku Data Science Studio

A powerful and robust platform that provides advanced analytics solutions to enterprises across the globe. It enables organisations to create independent data tools. The platform is embedded with a team-based interface useful for data analysts and scientists. Its framework for deployment and development offers instant access to every feature that is needed to create data tools. 

  1. Anaconda 

Platform: Anaconda Enterprise

It is built on a popular open-source platform that facilitates users to develop, deploy and train models. It enables all its users to execute data science and machine learning on operating systems like Linux, Windows and macOS. Through this tool, users can download greater than 1500 Python and R data science packages. They can even manage libraries and analyse data with Numba, pandas and Dask. 

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