5 Reasons why should we use OpenAPI specification in APIs

By Ankur Hack | Views: 1616

API is the short for Application Programming Interference, which is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. It allows applications to access data and interact with external software components, operating systems.


The OpenAPI Specification is a specification and initiation for the creation of machine-readable interface files used to describe, produce, consume, and visualize RESTful web services. If you are a software developer, your software development lifecycle and server operations involve APIs as API is languages of machines to talk or interact with one another. 


OpenAPI helps and ensures that anyone who is asking for new requirements has an accurate notion of what is going to be delivered.


Here are 5 reasons why we should use OpenAPI specification in APIs.


Collaborate on API design

The design stage of an API is very important and multiple stakeholders should be involved in it. Hence, the ability to collaborate on API development smoothly is of utmost importance, to ensure efficiency and consistency. OpenAPI can collaborate on, by using means such as issue trackers, forks, and pull requests. Definitions can reside in the same repository as their implementation.


Save time and avoid errors while writing code

Writing code always takes time, along with errors that are always made whether you are beginner or experienced. To avoid this OpenAPI is perfect. Standard or customized toolchains can convert OpenAPI definitions to create complete SDKs for developers in programming languages.


Ensures quality

OpenAPI is machine-readable, which means every part of your system can be tested against the specification. It assesses and ensures quality. Because of this APIs are always up to date, reducing the risks of product malfunction.


Gets Easier to Work with Time

OpenAPI specification provides you with a consistent, dependable system for describing APIs. Though it is a bit tricky for beginners, eventually they get comfortable with their REST API format.


Publish your API

Publishing your OpenAPI along with your API allows client developers to use their preferred tools in combination with your API. Also, the metadata available in machine-readable specifications can help in submission to API directories for improved discoveries.

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