Top 25 BOOTSTRAP MCQ Questions and Answers Exercise (Set 3/4)

By Sahil Bansal | Views: 6562

Q 1 - Which of the following is correct about bootstrap wells?

A - You can change the size of the well using the optional classes such as well-lg or well-sm.
B - well-lg or well-sm classes are used in conjunction with .well class.
C - Both of the above.
D - None of the above.

Q 2 - Which of the following is correct about the Transition Plugin?

A - Transition.js is a basic helper for transitionEnd events as well as a CSS transition emulator.
B - It is used by the other plugins to check for CSS transition support and to catch hanging transitions.
C - Both of the above.
D - None of the above.

Q 3 - Which of the following is correct about the Modal Plugin?

A - You can toggle the modal plugin's hidden content via data attributes.
B - You can toggle the modal plugin's hidden content via javascript.
C - Both of the above.
D - None of the above.

Q 4 - Which of the following is correct about the data-backdrop Data attribute of the Modal Plugin?

A - It specifies static for a backdrop if you don't want the modal to be closed when the user clicks outside of the modal.
B - It closes the modal when the escape key is pressed; set to false to disable.
C - It shows the modal when initialized.
D - Using the jQuery .load method, injects content into the modal body. If an href with a valid URL is added, it will load that content.

Q 5 - Which of the following is correct about the data-keyboard Data attribute of Modal Plugin?

A - It specifies static for a backdrop if you don't want the modal to be closed when the user clicks outside of the modal.
B - It closes the modal when the escape key is pressed; set to false to disable.
C - It shows the modal when initialized.
D - Using the jQuery .load method, injects content into the modal body. If an href with a valid URL is added, it will load that content.

Q 6 - Which of the following is correct about the data-show Data attribute of Modal Plugin?

A - It specifies static for a backdrop if you don't want the modal to be closed when the user clicks outside of the modal.
B - It closes the modal when the escape key is pressed; set to false to disable.
C - It shows the modal when initialized.
D - Using the jQuery .load method, injects content into the modal body. If an href with a valid URL is added, it will load that content.

Q 7 - Which of the following is correct about the data-remote Data attribute of Modal Plugin?

A - It specifies static for a backdrop if you don't want the modal to be closed when the user clicks outside of the modal.
B - It closes the modal when the escape key is pressed; set to false to disable.
C - It shows the modal when initialized.
D - Using the jQuery .load method, injects content into the modal body. If an href with a valid URL is added, it will load that content.

Q 8 - Which of the following is correct about the dropdown Plugin?

A - You can toggle the dropdown plugin's hidden content via data attributes.
B - You can toggle the dropdown plugin's hidden content via javascript.
C - Both of the above.
D - None of the above.

Q 9 - Which of the following is correct about the Scrollspy Plugin?

A - You can toggle the Scrollspy plugin's hidden content via data attributes.
B - You can toggle the Scrollspy plugin's hidden content via javascript.
C - Both of the above.
D - None of the above.

Q 10 - Which of the following is correct about the Tab Plugin?

A - You can toggle the Tab plugin's hidden content via data attributes.
B - You can toggle the Tab plugin's hidden content via javascript.
C - Both of the above.
D - None of the above.

Q 11 - Which of the following is correct about the data-animation Data attribute of the Tooltip Plugin?

A - Applies a CSS fade transition to the tooltip.
B - Inserts HTML into the tooltip. If false, jQuery's text method will be used to insert content into the dom.
C - Specifies how to position the tooltip (i.e., top|bottom|left|right|auto).
D - Delegates to the specified targets.

Q 12 - Which of the following is correct about the data-Html Data attribute of Tooltip Plugin?

A - Applies a CSS fade transition to the tooltip.
B - Inserts HTML into the tooltip. If false, jQuery's text method will be used to insert content into the dom.
C - Specifies how to position the tooltip (i.e., top|bottom|left|right|auto).
D - Delegates to the specified targets.

Q 13 - Which of the following is correct about the data-placement Data attribute of the Tooltip Plugin?

A - Applies a CSS fade transition to the tooltip.
B - Inserts HTML into the tooltip. If false, jQuery's text method will be used to insert content into the dom.
C - Specifies how to position the tooltip (i.e., top|bottom|left|right|auto).
D - Delegates to the specified targets.


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Q 14 - Which of the following is correct about the data-selector Data attribute of the Tooltip Plugin?

A - Applies a CSS fade transition to the tooltip.
B - Inserts HTML into the tooltip. If false, jQuery's text method will be used to insert content into the dom.
C - Specifies how to position the tooltip (i.e., top|bottom|left|right|auto).
D - Delegates to the specified targets.

Q 15 - Which of the following is correct about the data-title Data attribute of Tooltip Plugin?

A - Sets the default title value if the title attribute isn't present.
B - Defines how the tooltip is triggered.
C - Defines default content value if the data-content attribute isn't present
D - Delays showing and hiding the tooltip in ms.

Q 16 - Which of the following is correct about the data-trigger Data attribute of the Tooltip Plugin?

A - Sets the default title value if the title attribute isn't present.
B - Defines how the tooltip is triggered.
C - Defines default content value if the data-content attribute isn't present
D - Delays showing and hiding the tooltip in ms.

Q 17 - Which of the following is correct about the data-content Data attribute of the Tooltip Plugin?

A - Sets the default title value if the title attribute isn't present.
B - Defines how the tooltip is triggered.
C - Defines default content value if the data-content attribute isn't present
D - Delays showing and hiding the tooltip in ms.

Q 18 - Which of the following is correct about the data-delay Data attribute of the Tooltip Plugin?

A - Sets the default title value if the title attribute isn't present.
B - Defines how the tooltip is triggered.
C - Defines default content value if the data-content attribute isn't present
D - Delays showing and hiding the tooltip in ms.

Q 19 - Which of the following is correct about the Popover Plugin?

A - You can toggle the Popover plugin's hidden content via data attributes.
B - You can toggle the Popover plugin's hidden content via javascript.
C - Both of the above.
D - None of the above.

Q 20 - Which of the following is correct about the data-animation Data attribute of the Popover Plugin?

A - Applies a CSS fade transition to the popover.
B - Inserts HTML into the popover. If false, jQuery's text method will be used to insert content into the dom.
C - Specifies how to position the popover (i.e., top|bottom|left|right|auto).
D - Delegates to the specified targets.

Q 21 - Which of the following is correct about the data-Html Data attribute of Popover Plugin?

A - Applies a CSS fade transition to the popover.
B - Inserts HTML into the popover. If false, jQuery's text method will be used to insert content into the dom.
C - Specifies how to position the popover (i.e., top|bottom|left|right|auto).
D - Delegates to the specified targets.

Q 22 - Which of the following is correct about the data-placement Data attribute of the Popover Plugin?

A - Applies a CSS fade transition to the popover.
B - Inserts HTML into the popover. If false, jQuery's text method will be used to insert content into the dom.
C - Specifies how to position the popover (i.e., top|bottom|left|right|auto).
D - Delegates to the specified targets.

Q 23 - Which of the following is correct about the data-selector Data attribute of the Popover Plugin?

A - Applies a CSS fade transition to the popover.
B - Inserts HTML into the popover. If false, jQuery's text method will be used to insert content into the dom.
C - Specifies how to position the popover (i.e., top|bottom|left|right|auto).
D - Delegates to the specified targets.

Q 24 - Which of the following is correct about the data-title Data attribute of the popover Plugin?

A - Sets the default title value if the title attribute isn't present.
B - Defines how the popover is triggered.
C - Defines default content value if the data-content attribute isn't present
D - Delays showing and hiding the popover in ms.

Q 25 - Which of the following is correct about the data-trigger Data attribute of the popover Plugin?

A - Sets the default title value if the title attribute isn't present.
B - Defines how the popover is triggered.
C - Defines default content value if the data-content attribute isn't present
D - Delays showing and hiding the popover in ms.




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